Lands’ End has a reputation for quality clothing and outerwear that will last for years. If you buy at full price, shopping at Lands’ End can be very expensive. That’s why we’ve compiled a list of tips for saving money while you shop at Lands’ End. Keep reading to find out all about how you can save money every time you purchase something from Lands’ End.
Lands’ End Offers Free Shipping
Every order from Lands’ End comes with free shipping when you spend $99 or more. There are some restrictions, but generally, all orders over $99 will be shipped for free! Create an account for your purchases if you want to take advantage of this discount and ensure your entire order qualifies for free shipping.
Join Lands’ End’s email list to save money
Although you can create an account to take advantage of all the discounts you want, if you don’t sign up for Lands’ End’s emails, you will never get the best deals. offers exclusive deals and promotions through their email list that can only be found via their email list.
Since so many people shop online, retailers like Lands’ End are constantly creating new ways to reward their customers for choosing them over competitors. Lands’ End’s weekly emails are a great way to stay on top of their latest sales and offers!
Get the Lands’ End Credit Card to earn rewards
Lands’ End offers a credit card for their customers to use when they are shopping. All of the purchases you make with your Lands’ End credit card will earn you points towards rewards certificates – you’ll get 5 points on each dollar spent at Lands’ End. You can use 500 points for up to $5 off your next purchase, making the rewards credit cards from Lands’ End a worthwhile investment! Just make sure you pay your bill on time and in full to avoid any extra charges and fees.
Wait for Sales to shop at Lands’ End
Each year, Lands’ End runs several sales that offer between 40% and 60% off whole categories. On occasion, they’ll also offer $40 off orders of $100 or more. Check Goodshop’s Lands’ End coupons and deals page to keep up with the latest Lands’ End sales and promotions.
Lands’ End is Environmentally Friendly
Land’s End committed themselves to doing better for the environment one step at a time. They strive to minimize their impact on the earth and try to be as eco-friendly as possible. The company even has an environmental policy that you can take a look at on their website. It is well documented in their corporate responsibility reporting.