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Sign up to the mailing list to receive sale notifications and details on new products.
Happy to buy in bulk? Maximize your savings by increasing the number of items you order.
Look out for free shipping codes on the website and social media.
Impress your customers with clear images and top of the line customization on all promotional products.
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Need help designing your product? Choose from thousands of clip art images and eye-catching fonts.
Does DiscountMugs Offer Free Shipping?
You can occasionally find free shipping codes advertised on the DiscountMugs website or sent directly to your inbox. DiscountMugs uses FedEx for most orders, which means you can track your order on the website.
Does DiscountMugs Have an Email Subscription Service?
Yes, you can sign up for promotional emails via the website. Enjoy coupons, updates, and tips on how to buy the best merchandise. You can unsubscribe from this service at any time.
What Payment Methods Can I Use?
DiscountMugs accept all major credit cards, including Visa, Mastercard, Discover, and American Express. Also, pay with a personal check via PayPal. Alternatively, do this by wire transfer. Make any cheques payable to A cheque must include your order number. Write this out in the memo section.
How Do I Become a MugBucks Member?
Joining MugBucks is automatic. All customers with a account are enrolled. Start earning MugBucks straight away, with 5% earnt on all eligible orders.
MugBucks expire 12 months after the purchase that generated them. What is the DiscountMugs Return Policy?
You can only return blank, non-imprinted items and will have a 10% restocking fee. It can take up to 30 days to process your returned items. Customized items are not eligible for return.
How Do I Apply a DiscountMugs Coupon Code online?
Follow the below steps to apply your coupon code online:
eview the fine print on your DiscountMugs promotional item to ensure it meets the promo code requirement.
Add your items to your shopping cart.
Look for the box labeled “add promo code (optional).”
Click the plus sign to the right of this label and wait for a new box to open.
Paste your promo code here.
Click apply and see the discount immediately deducted from your total.
Can I Stack Discounts When Ordering from DiscountMugs?
You can use instore credits to place an order, combined with live promotional codes. Also, redeem your MugBucks while applying your instore credit for even more savings.
Can I Amend or Cancel my Order After I Have Placed It?
As soon as DiscountMugs receive your order, their team will start finalizing your artwork and scheduling printing equipment. As a result, once your order enters production, you cannot amend or cancel the order.
Can I See a Sample of my Item Before I Place a Bulk Order?
If you order in bulk, you can enjoy even more savings on your corporate branding products. DiscountMugs offers a pre-production sample with your artwork for $150. Also, sample blank products.
Are DiscountMugs Products Good Quality? has a Google Seller rating of 4.3 based on 5,010 ratings and reviews.
How Can I Get in Touch with DiscountMugs Customer Service Team?
For all customer service inquiries, call 1-800-569-1980. Alternatively, you can submit a question to the team. Click on the contact us link at the bottom of each page of the website.
For immediate help, utilize the online live chat feature.
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