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Browse thousands of items, and your order will be shipped directly to your address.
Check out the Deal of the Day to secure a superb product or service for a fraction of its RRP.
Buy goods from local merchants on Groupon to support your local economy.
Create a Wishlist to browse with ease and secure many fantastic deals.
Use the search bar on the Groupon website and add your location to filter products that match your needs, personality, and city.
Use the Groupon Getaways deals to make hotel reservations and book various tour packages for local and overseas destinations.
Set-up a profile and your deal preferences to quickly find goods or services to match your needs and budget.
How do I redeem a Groupon?
Using Groupon is easy. Visit My Groupons on either the website or mobile app and click View Details on the Groupon you’d like to redeem. You will then receive steps to follow under the “How to Use” section, which will relate specifically to the Groupon order.
If you have bought a local deal, you will likely need to show it to a merchant on a mobile app at a venue or print out the Groupon order.
Click View Voucher to perform either action.
Can I apply a promo code?
In addition to securing a discount at Groupon, you could reduce your order total by applying a promo code. Once you have added an item into your shopping cart, select ‘Promo’ or ‘Gift Code,’ enter the code and click ‘Apply.’ A valid discount will then be added to your order total.
Can Groupon issue refunds?
It’s possible to return many Groupon Goods products and receive a refund within 30 days. Alternatively, you could exchange a product for a new one.
If your order was from a third-party merchant, you might need to contact a merchant directly and, if they agree to a refund, the money will be deposited back into your Groupon Bucks account, which could be issued within two to three weeks.
Are students eligible for a discount at Groupon?
Yes. Groupon currently features a Select Student Program that provides all students with an extra 25% off on food, drink, and fun local deals for six months. Once six months have passed, students can receive another 15% off on local deals while they’re studying. Terms and conditions apply, such as a maximum purchase of $20.
What are the benefits of the refer a friend program?
You could earn $10 Groupon Bucks for every friend you refer to Groupon. Groupon can provide a custom link to send to your loved ones and, if they choose to use it to sign-up and place an order of $10 or more, you will receive the reward for spreading the word. Every customer can earn a maximum of $100 for referrals.
What are invite-only deals?
As a thank you for your custom and loyalty, Groupon might send invite-only deals straight to your email or smartphone. The exclusive deals are only available to a subscriber who receives the promotional email or mobile notification. The deal will last for the duration stated on the deal page, and it could be subject to availability.
Can I buy a Groupon gift card?
You can buy a Groupon gift card for a loved one, which they can use on deals from many top brands. You also can ship a plastic gift card to their address, or you could email an e-gift card.
Alternatively, you could gift a loved one a specific Groupon experience, such as scuba diving or a getaway. All you must do is pick a deal and click on ‘Give as a Gift,’ which you can find near the ‘Buy’ button.
Are corporate gift cards available?
If you would like to thank your employees for their hard work or reward clients for their loyalty, you could receive a volume discount when buying corporate gift cards.
How can I book a hotel via Groupon Getaways?
Once you have made a hotel reservation through Groupon Getaways, you can sit back, relax, and look forward to your trip. A reservation will not have a voucher, but you must provide a valid ID to match your traveling name when checking in at a hotel.
What GrouponLive event deals are available?
At present, customers can choose from two GrouponLive event deals: G-Passes and GrouponLive Vouchers.
A G-Pass will provide direct entry into a venue, and you’ll need to either print the tickets or show it via the mobile app. The tickets will also show the buyer’s name, seat details, and other applicable information.
A GrouponLive Voucher must be printed and presented to the venue box office. You will also need to show a photo ID to prove it matches the buyer’s name on the voucher.
It is important to review the “How to Use” section of the voucher or G-pass for information on the steps you need to take.
Groupon is one of the biggest e-commerce marketplaces on the planet and allows its visitors to secure many superb deals from various merchants across different industries. Whether you are looking to save money on travel, goods, activities, or services, you could find the perfect discount to boost your bank balance.
Make greater savings at Groupon by visiting You can choose from a variety of coupons, deals, and promos that could top up your finances. There’s also an option to earn cashback, or you could donate your savings to a worthy cause.