Hilton Coupons, Discounts and Promo Codes
Coupon Code for 25% Off at Lax Hotel
expires: ongoing
Coupon Code for 15% Off
expires: ongoing
50% Off Sunday at Hilton Hotels as an Honors Member
expires: ongoing
Coupon Code for 15% Off Room Rate / $20 Daily Bar Credit
expires: ongoing
Coupon Code for $75 Off Enthusiast Ticket
expires: ongoing
15% Slevu Na Nejlepší Dostupnou Sazbu Pro Aktivní a Vysloužilý Vojenský Personál a Jejich Rodiny V Hotelech Embassy Suites
expires: ongoing
Coupon Code for $50 Daily Credit
expires: ongoing
Coupon Code for 10% Off Theatre Tickets at Hampton by Hilton Coupon Code
expires: ongoing
Coupon Code for 10% Off Hotel Bookings
expires: ongoing
25% Off, With Rooms Starting at $120 Usd a Night
expires: ongoing
Coupon Code for 50% on Sundays
expires: ongoing
FAQs from Hilton
Created by
Katheryn WhiteI love nothing more than doing a little self-care by shopping online. Bonus points when I get to save money while doing it AND having a portion of my purchases go towards a great charity! Talk about a win-win!
How to Save at Hilton
Enjoy super savings when you shop at Hilton with Goodshop coupons and promotional codes. With new sitewide coupons added daily, it has never been easier to cut the cost of shopping online at hilton.com. Also, check out the website’s clearance section, look for Hilton promotions on the homepage banners, and sign up for the Hilton email newsletter. Don’t forget you can earn a Goodshop Donation every time you make an online purchase at hilton.com for even greater savings.
How does Goodshop Donation work at Hilton
Earn Goodshop Donation on all online purchases made at hilton.com. All you need to do is add items to your shopping cart, proceed to the checkout, and apply your chosen Goodshop coupon code. Goodshop adds a donation automatically to your Goodshop account, where it will never expire. There is no minimum or maximum spend for a Goodshop Donation, so you can keep spending and keep earning!
Do Hilton coupon codes expire?
Some Hilton coupon codes have an expiry date, while you can use others indefinitely. Make sure to check the fine print of each coupon you want to use before you apply it to avoid disappointment at the checkout. All Goodshop coupons and promotional codes clearly state their terms and conditions of use.
Can I use expired coupons at Hilton?
If a coupon has expired, you cannot use it to deduct money from your order. However, you can make the most of new deals every week, so check out Goodshop for awesome Hilton deals to replace expired coupons. When you get your coupons, always check whether they have an expiry date.
How do I apply a Hilton promo code?
Redeeming your Hilton coupon is simple online.
- Click on the Hilton promo code that you want to use and select “Copy.”
- Go to your shopping cart and head to the checkout.
- Look for the box labeled “Add Promo Code.”
- Paste your coupon code here and click “Apply.”
How do I apply a Hilton coupon in-store?
Hand over the physical coupons or show them your digital coupons so they can scan the code.
Does Hilton offer a military discount?
Hilton offers a $75 military discount for in-store purchases only. To qualify for this discount, you must bring a valid military ID and show it at the checkout. You cannot use the Hilton military discount with other promotional codes or special offers. Work out the best saving before using either method.
What are the best Hilton upcoming sales?
Hilton is famous for its epic sales and runs regular promotional events throughout the year. The most popular Hilton sales are the Pre-Christmas Sale, Boxing Day Sale, New Year Sale, and Summer Sale. Check the Hilton website to be the first to learn about their upcoming sales. Also, follow Hilton on social media for exclusive access to online sale events and discounts.
Can I return unwanted items to Hilton?
If you are not 100% satisfied with your purchase from Hilton, you can return unused and unworn items in their original packaging for a full refund minus shipping costs. You must return your items within a certain number of days to receive your refund. Returns received after a certain number of days will be subject to Hilton’s discretion. If you purchased during one of the Hilton’s promos, your refund equates to what you paid and not what the product is selling for now.
Can I return unwanted items to Hilton?
If you are not 100% satisfied with your purchase from Hilton, you can return unused and unworn items in their original packaging for a full refund minus shipping costs. You must return your items within a certain number of days to receive your refund. Returns received after a certain number of days will be subject to Hilton’s discretion. If you purchased during one of the Hilton’s promos, your refund equates to what you paid and not what the product is selling for now.
Can I combine Hilton promo codes?
You can combine up to 4 Hilton promo codes per online order. It does not matter what order you apply your coupon codes in, as you will receive the same total discount. There might be some limitations on the types of coupon codes that you can use together, so make sure you always read the fine print before applying your coupon.
Does Hilton have a loyalty program?
Sign up for the Hilton loyalty program via the website for free and enjoy plenty of amazing perks. Receive $75 off your first online purchase, Hilton free shipping codes throughout the year, and exclusive access to members-only savings and discounts.
How much discount do employees get?
Hilton employees can enjoy up to $75 off goods purchased here. This is subject to change depending on Hilton’s discretion.
What are Hilton friends and family shopping days?
Hilton’s promotions, like the friends and family shopping days, allow Hilton employees to share their employee discounts with their family and friends. Friends and family days run during specific times of the year, so make sure you look out to avoid missing out. Guidelines on combining this deal with other discounts and promotions vary between in-store and online purchases, so always check the fine print before you buy.
Does Hilton offer senior discounts?
Hilton offers a senior discount of $75 for purchases made in-store. You need to bring a valid form of ID to qualify for this discount; unfortunately, you cannot use this with other offers and promotions. Also, you cannot use the Hilton senior discount online.
What age does senior discount at Hilton start?
To qualify for the senior discount at Hilton, you must be 18 or over. Hilton requires you to bring a form of ID each time you want to purchase to prove you are this age or older.
How can I get in touch with Hilton
If you need to contact Hilton, you can call them on phone number, drop them an email or send a message via social media. Hilton is known for their high level of customer service and are always happy to help their customers.
Why Don’t I get Hilton coupons anymore?
If you have not been receiving any coupons from Hilton, you may have unsubscribed to their newsletter, stopped following them on social media, or the old coupon site you are using is no longer running. At Goodshop, you can receive more coupons, Hilton offers, and special promotions. Sign back up for a newsletter to hear about Hilton’s free shipping deals and more.
How to redeem your Hilton coupon promo code
Redeeming your Hilton coupon is easy: simply click on the deal you’re interested in above, and you’ll be navigated directly to the Hilton website. In many cases, you’ll simply shop the sale and automatically get the discount, but if a promo code is involved, follow these steps:
- Click on the Hilton promo code you want and hit “Copy”
- Click “Copy Code” or return to your shopping cart
- From your shopping cart, click on the “Hilton Discount” link
- Enter your Hilton promo code
- Click APPLY
Hilton Store Info
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Starting 1/1/2025, Goodshop will be transitioning to a new charitable giving model where we'll provide an annual donation to a single partner charity, rather than supporting multiple causes. All 2024 cause donation checks under our current program will be distributed as expected.
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