Coupon Code for 10% Off
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Click on the Sale button in the center of the banner menu on the homepage to access all the latest Ugg Australia on-sale items for men, women, and children.
Join the Ugg Australia Rewards program for free via the website and earn points every time you spend and redeem them against future purchases.
Become an Ugg Insider by sharing your email address and be the first to learn about seasonal sales, online promotions, giveaways, and so much more.
Are you currently studying? Students can enjoy an extra 10% off via the website and in-store.
Receive free expedited shipping on all orders of $125 or more.
Sign up for the Ugg Australia newsletter and receive 15% off your first order.
How Can I Save Money at Ugg Australia?
Start by heading to the Sale page on the website, where you will find all the Ugg Australia items currently available at a discounted price. Choose to shop by men’s sale, women’s sale, or children’s sale items. Also, sign up for the Ugg Australia email newsletter via the website and receive an instant 15% off code for your first online purchase.
hen head to the Ugg Australia page at before finalizing your order to find the latest coupons and promotional codes available. Use these alongside existing Ugg Australia offers and promotions for unbeatable savings.
Does Ugg Australia Offer Free Delivery?
Although Ugg Australia does not offer free standard shipping as standard practice, it is always worthwhile checking the website and for free shipping codes before placing your order.
Ugg Australia offers standard and expedited shipping options with rates dependent on location and amount of purchase. Find out more on the shipping page of the website.
What is the Ugg Australia Returns Policy? If you are not 100% satisfied with your purchase from Ugg Australia, you can return it for a refund within 30 days of purchase. All items must be unused to be eligible for return.
Does Ugg Australia Offer an Email Subscription Service?
Yes, they do. Sign up for the Ugg Australia email subscription service via the website and receive 15% off your first online order. Plus, enjoy exclusive perks such as early access to promotions, new product launches, and competitions.
You can unsubscribe from this service at any time.
Does Ugg Australia Offer a Rewards Program?
Yes, they do. Sign up to the Ugg Rewards Program for free via the website and earn points every time you shop to redeem against future purchases. Plus, get your first $20 Ugg reward certificate with only 10 Ugg points and an Ugg purchase.
Earn points by completing a reward profile, adding to your wish list, making a social connection, and writing online reviews.
Does Ugg Australia Offer a Student Discount?
Yes, they do. Students can enjoy an extra 10% off when they shop with Ugg Australia.
What Forms of Payment Does Ugg Australia Accept?
Ugg Australia accepts all major credit cards, including Visa, Mastercard, and American Express. Alternatively, use PayPal and Afterpay to pay for your orders.
How Can I Track my Ugg Australia Order Online?
Track your Ugg Australia order by entering your tracking number into the Australian Post site’s tracking details area. Please allow 24 hours from the time you received your tracking order before checking your order’s status.
Why Shop at Ugg Australia?
Ugg Australia is known for its premium products, which means that you have to pay a little more to enjoy this luxury level. Ugg Australia is the place to shop if you want genuine uggs made from sheepskin that is of the highest quality. Unlike any other ugg company, Ugg Australia treats their sheepskin right in Australia, compared to overseas. The ugg boots you buy from Ugg Australia are 100% Australian-made.
How do I Find the Perfect Gift with Ugg Australia?
Ugg Australia makes it easy if you are trying to find the perfect gift for a loved one. Their gift section offers some great options all under $99, whether you are shopping for the man, woman, or child in your life.
Does Ugg Australia Offer Gift Cards?
Yes, they do. Ugg Australia sells e-gift cards. They can email these directly to the recipient. Please allow up to 4 hours for your e-gift card to be emailed. To redeem an Ugg Australia gift card, enter your e-gift card number at the checkout.
Can I Follow Ugg Australia on Social Media?
Yes, you can. Follow Ugg Australia on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram to be the first to know about Ugg Australia promotions and seasonal sales. Plus, enter into Ugg Australia competitions and giveaways and for unrivaled style advice.
When Can I Visit the Melbourne Factory Shop?
If you want to shop in person, you can visit the Melbourne Factory Shop from Tuesday through Saturday. Open from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm Tuesday to Friday and 10:00 am -2:00 pm on Saturdays.
How Can I Get in Touch with Ugg Australia?
Choose to get in touch with their team through their online form. Select your inquiry and fill out your name, email, order number, and message, and a member of the team will get back in due time. Alternatively, call their customer service team on 1800-844-665, send an email to [email protected], or send a message via social media.
Enjoy ultimate comfort and style with signature footwear from Ugg Australia. Browse affordable but high-quality luxury boots, shoes, slippers, and so much more. Enjoy even greater savings with Ugg Australia coupons and promotional codes, so you’ll have more leftover cash to splash out on the rest of your wardrobe for the season ahead.
Be sure to visit before ordering with Ugg Australia to find the latest deals, coupons, and promotional codes on any given day. Sort codes by your personal preference to find the perfect footwear deal for you and your family. Combine codes with existing Ugg Australia promotions and offers for maximum savings.