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Take the stress out of travel by booking everything online through Expedia.
Easily manage your online account and travel information.
Download the Expedia app to get real-time notifications and manage your travel arrangements more efficiently.
Compare the best prices for your trip.
Search for accommodation based on distance from a specific location or landmark.
Find inspiration for your next trip with Expedia’s travel and idea pages. Book flights, hotels, and car hire all in one place using coupons to save money.
Easily make bookings for multiple flights or multiple places to stay.
What is Expedia’s policy during COVID-19 travel?
Expedia is continuously updating its travel policies in line with current COVID-19 restrictions. They have a dedicated page for all updates and information related to COVID-19. The page answers questions like how to arrange a refund for a canceled trip. Also, read advice regarding bookings here.
How do I contact Expedia?
Virtual agents are available on Expedia’s website by choosing the ‘Chat Now’ option displayed on the page.
Alternatively, contact Expedia by selecting the ‘Contact Us’ booking and filling out the form to provide further information. Upon identifying your query, the help box will offer your next contact options or relevant information.
I have a question about my trip. What do I do?
Contact Expedia at any time, using the options above. Also, find more detailed help specific to your trip by signing into your account and viewing the options under your booking.
I have a question about my accommodation. What do I do?
You will have access to information about your chosen accommodation when booking through Expedia. If your question relates directly to where you are staying, check the hotel’s official policy in question by visiting their website or directly contacting them.
If your question relates to the booking, find answers through Expedia’s customer service page or contact them.
I have a question about my flights. What do I do?
If your question relates directly to the flight company, check their official website or contact them regarding any extra information you need. If your query relates to the booking itself, find answers through Expedia’s customer service page or contact them.
Can I change my flights?
When considering changing your flights, you will first need to check the policy of the airline you have booked. Your chosen airline may have a policy about changing flights (such as extra charges).
When changing your flights, you should go to your Expedia account and find your booking. Under the correct booking, you will see the ‘Change My Flights’ option, which will bring up all your available amendments, including a new estimated price.
If you have any problems, speak to the customer service team at Expedia.
How do I make a booking with Expedia?
Begin your booking by visiting the Expedia homepage and entering all the required information. This includes the travel location, date of travel, type of flight, number of travelers, and whether you need flights, hotel, or car hire only, or all included.
A displayed list of results allows you to compare. You can filter your results by ordering the list (such as lowest price to highest price) or use the boxes to cancel out anything you don’t want to see.
Once happy with a result, proceed to the booking by clicking confirm and enter all relevant details. You can then create an account to manage your booking and have your confirmation emailed to you.
Do I have to pay upfront for an Expedia booking?
This will vary based on your booking and how far in advance you are making the booking. You may need to pay a deposit and pay the balance at a later date. Alternatively, you may need to pay upfront. Expedia will always state the payment requirements at the time of the booking before you confirm.
Why can’t I book separately with the hotel or flight company?
You can, but Expedia makes everything a lot easier, as well as a lot more affordable. Expedia means you can avoid having to research and compare rates yourself and book everything separately. This service means you can manage everything in one place while making extra savings with daily deals or coupon codes.
How do I manage my booking?
Manage your booking by signing into your Expedia account and viewing My Trips.
Can I receive travel alerts?
Yes. Expedia will inform you of any relevant alerts via email or notification on their app.
Treat yourself to a relaxing vacation, weekend break, or stress-free business trip using Expedia